Unlock Your Divine Self


Hey there, I see you.

You’re thinking: is this as good as it gets?

😓You’re mega focused on your career and give it your all.

You’ve been achieving your whole life because…well…that’s all you know.

You’ve worked so hard to get here, but your body is failing you.

You can’t sleep, you feel like crap and you have a heaviness around you that you can’t shake.

You’re a working Mom, a SAHM Mom, or any Mom with littles and a house full of other duties 😴

You love your kids but had no idea how ALL THE TIME they would be.

You haven’t slept in years; you’ve had a headache just as long.

Sooner or later, something will give physically and you feel like you’re a robot going thru the motions.

There is a sense of frantic yet heavy energy that you carry with you like a heavy cloak.

I get it. I've been there.

We live in a culture that is not supportive of “balance” while at the same time selling us the dream of it.

When I was in my mid-30’s, I became a single Mom of 3 when I got a divorce. It was incredibly stressful but I did what I had to.

I felt overwhelmed most of the time and was so frazzled I barely remember anything from that time at all.

My career was high pressure and it didn’t take long before the façade of balance I had created by working full-time while also raising my three children fell away.

I had multiple orthopaedic surgeries and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis within two years of my divorce.

My body was literally screaming at me to pay attention to and take care of myself.

So, I started working on myself and realized that taking care of me was the best way to take care of anyone and everything else that I wanted to do in my life.

That's when I learned about the five facets of BEING

It changed my awareness of myself and helped me understand how all the parts of me needed attention

Once I had that awareness I was able to...

  • Be more present in my life and enjoy time with my family, enhancing my relationships with my kids and my husband.

  • Notice the triggers to my anxiety and irritation with my family so that they no longer ran the show

  • Trust my intuition and stop judging myself for taking time off or resting when I needed

  • Put boundaries with people so they wouldn’t take advantage of me and my niceness

  • Start creating JOY in my life, which was a new experience for me

  • Start feeling whole without always feeling like something is missing or constantly chasing the next thing that will give me purpose/ or make me feel good enough

What if YOU discovered how to access untapped energy in your body to express yourself in an authentic way...

and explored what could be possible for you?

When we learn about the

five facets of our BEing

and how to work with them,

we learn to live with

awareness of our wholeness.

And when we fully know ourselves, we unlock freedom

It's time to

Unlock Your Divine Self

During my workshop you will gain:

  • Understanding of yourself and how your BEing works

  • Clarity on how you are currently BEing

  • Knowledge of clear, easy steps to address the areas of your BEing that are out of alignment

  • Empowerment to move forward to create alignment of all of your facets of being

What we will cover:

  • Learn about the five facets of BEing we all share as humans

  • Discover how each facet works and impacts your life

  • Explore how we can work with each facet to support our life

  • Uncover how the facets all work together to create the wholeness of you and how understanding them can make lasting change in your life

Watch the FREE workshop now ⬇️⬇️

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