What would your life look like if you felt worthy enough to stop?

Stop comparing yourself, stop judging yourself, and stop criticizing yourself for every little thing.

It's time.

We are hearing the call of our inner selves, telling us that we are TIRED of playing small, following the rules, and letting society dictate the life we create for ourselves and how we feel.

We are all born fully trusting of ourselves and knowing we are worthy and belong...because as a new-born baby, we don't know any different.

As time passes and we grow up, we create our lives and WHO WE ARE based on the programming and conditioning of our parents, our culture, our trauma, our religion, and our patriarchal society.

As babies, children, and later adults, we absorb the world around us and try to make sense of it. As we do that, we create the intricate fabric of who we become with all of the little pieces we pick up from the world around us.

But what if our current societal structure was not created to empower us to become our true selves?

And what if that programming and conditioning do not really belong to you at all?

We are waking up to the fact that the things we were told to do and want might not be what we really wanted to do or want at all.

If you...

✨ Feel like you did all of the things you were supposed to (the career, the education, the marriage, the kids, etc.), but you aren't happy...

✨ Find yourself wondering 'is this all there is?'

✨ Wonder how your life turned out this way, even though you have everything you thought you wanted?

✨Never really feel like you belong...

✨ Are constantly second-guessing yourself and questioning your decisions...

I see you. I hear you. I was you.

I can help.

With my proprietary soul-healing activations, we can help you:

Feel empowered to speak up and worthy of saying what you want to say without doubting yourself

Feel confident expressing your desires and making sure they are heard

Be more comfortable opening yourself up to greater levels of receiving

Feel a deep sense of calm knowing that you are worthy of everything you desire

My soul-healing activations feel like a deep meditation where I guide you to a safe space that feels really good and comforting

(like the most amazing hug you've ever had)

Here's what you can expect:

Module 1

Why we are programmed not to feel worthy / self trust

Module 2

Belonging / Worthiness Activation

Module 3

Self Trust Activation

Module 4

Embodiment & Integration

This self-study course can be followed at your own pace (and you can come back to it again and again)

Each module will have a video/audio component, and extra resources like a workbook where applicable.

Everything changes in our lives and the lives of those around us when we feel worthy...

Why do you need this program?

You are done comparing yourself to others and are ready to discover who you really are

You know you are worthy of everything you want but sometimes the doubt creeps in

You are tired of trusting other people's advice instead of trusting yourself

You're ready to feel the way you want to feel in your life

If you no longer want to feel like the outsider in every room

Why does it matter if women feel worthy?

So we can follow our dreams and make the difference we want to see in the world when we stop playing small and following the rules.

Create a safer place for our children to grow up

Establish a world where women and girls are empowered to follow their dreams

The end of chronic illness from overwork and overstress

More representation for traditionally disadvantaged communities

Breaking generational trauma

Creating legacies for our children and our children’s children

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