You're right on the cusp of the biggest change you've experienced...

A full body knowing that this is THE big thing.

When we surrender control and allow ourselves to receive what is for our highest good as determined by our soul instead of our ego, real change and magic happen. 

Are you ready to feel better and let it be easy?

Healing doesn't have to be hard. Sometimes it's hard and sometimes it can take a long time...but not always.

*you don't have to do years of therapy

*you don't have to know WHAT is being healed or WHY

You have your unique timeline and you've done the hard stuff

And now it's time to receive at a soul level so you can fast track the changes in the easiest way.

When I lead you through an Alignment Adventure, you're going to reach the level that feels within arm's reach. Whatever level you have been craving, or that thing you know you need but can't quite put your finger on, we're going to get there in just one session. 

Do you remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books when you were a kid?

That's kind of what a session with me is like except your soul does the choosing.

Your soul decides what part of your life needs to be activated to create the shift you need to reach your next level.

I intuitively mold each session to unlock the gift that your soul wants to release, and activate the fulfillment that programs, offers, and zeroes in your bank account could never do.

Who is this for?

This is for the woman who loves adventure and is ready for more in her life!

I was gifted this session at a time when it is so needed in our world.

So many of us have been taught by the world or our own experiences that we have to act or feel a certain way or that healing is "hard".

This session is going to revolutionize the world and your life because it will show you that none of that has to be true for you or us anymore.

When we open our minds and hearts to the possibility that things can be different, the adventure begins.

We cast aside the old ways of doing and thinking and receive the healing our soul decides is what we need in this moment to help us fly.

I can't promise you what it will look like for you but I can guarantee it will change your life.

Let's go on an adventure together and discover what YOUR soul decides.

More self-trust, clarity, peace, worthiness, belonging, sex, and so much more magic are just some of what could be waiting for you!

What can I expect?

In my 60-minute Alignment Adventure sessions, we go back to ancient times when your Feminine and Masculine energies were pure and balanced.

We begin with a powerful grounding into the heart of Mother Earth and the energy of the Divine.

I then guide you to a sacred Temple revealed to me by Isis to connect you deeply to your ancient Divine Feminine to begin your remembrance. There we will also meet your ancient Divine Masculine.

We next move into a secret, sacred Temple. In this divine and sacred space, Isis and I, my guides and yours, and all of your sisters there, guide you gently as you are powerfully activated into the unveiling of your remembrance.

We will then return to be reunited with your Divine Masculine after your activation...there could be some serious sexual magic that happens here and it may go beyond an R rating before we end our session.

After the activation portion, we will talk about what you experienced and discuss ways you can embody and integrate your newly activated knowledge and wisdom (with 3 days of Voxer support).

I know you want to know exactly what will happen...
I get it, I like to be in control and know the outcome too.

But... when we surrender control and allow ourselves to receive what is for our highest good as determined by our soul instead of our ego, real change and magic happen.

That's where the adventure lies, in surrendering to the potential and possibilities with me as your guide.

These sessions have changed lives easily and aligned women to their next level.

What could that look and feel like for you if you trusted that your soul knows the right answer and the best way to get there?

Tune into your heart, connect with your soul, and let them tell you if this is the next step for you.

I won't pressure you or try to "sell" to you because that is not how this works. If you feel aligned to me, this session, and my energy, you will know.

If you don't, we can still be friends!

I am here to serve the world, the collective and those who are called to work with me.

Is that you?

Ps - feel like you need more integration support?

Choose the VIP option that includes 2 additional integration sessions and a full month of Voxer support where we can really dig deep into the new revelations and up-levels to smash whatever is holding you back for good!

It's time to choose your adventure...

Alignment Adventure

  • 1x powerful Alignment Adventure session 60min Zoom ($1,111)

  • 3x days of Voxer support ($333)

  • 2x additional integration sessions 60min Zoom ($2,222)

total value $1,444

yours for only $555

or 2 payments of $295

Alignment Adventure VIP

  • 1x powerful Alignment Adventure session 60min Zoom ($1,111)

  • 1x month of Voxer support (£2,222)

  • 2x additional integration sessions 60min Zoom ($2,222)

total value $5,555

yours for only $1,777

or 3 payments of $600

⬇️Let's do it!⬇️

DetailsAfter check-out, you'll receive a link to my diary to book in your session! I am so excited to work with you! 🙌
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